Hackathon Playbook (Design Thinking)

The Hackathon Playbook is a comprehensive framework of tools and templates to prepare and run a Hackathon as a result of best practices and lessons learned collected from the global execution of IoT Hackathons within Networking Academy and by other organizers.

Course Benefits

Practice design thinking through a hands-on project. Deepen your multidisciplinary IoT and data skills by defining, designing, prototyping, and presenting an IoT solution to a panel of industry experts and peers

Prepare for Careers

✓ Build a design thinking mindset
✓ Gain resume-worthy experience working on a real prototype
✓ Get feedback and mentorship from industry experts


Estimated Time to Completion: 20-30 hours
Prerequisites: IoT Fundamentals: Connecting Things and/or Big Data and Analytics
Course Delivery: Instructor-led
Learning Component Highlights:
✓ Hands-on project

Course Recognitions: Certificate of Completion
Recommended Next Course:
Any Networking Academy Career course, or an industry IoT training program