Networking Devices and Initial Configuration

This course teaches intermediate knowledge and skills for networking by covering basic concepts and skills needed to build a home office network and a small office network.

Course Benefits

By learning the characteristics and benefits of Cloud and Virtualization technologies, your students develop skills to calculate an IP addressing scheme and configure Cisco devices to create a small network.

Explores Opportunities in Technology

✓ Teach the characteristics of Virtualization and Cloud services.
✓ Explain how Ethernet operates in a switched network.
✓ Show how routers use network layer protocols and services.
✓ Demonstrate how the TCP protocol guarantees data delivery.
✓ Configure a simple computer network using Cisco devices.


Estimated Time to Completion: 25 hours

Prerequisites:- Networking Basic or equivalent knowledge

Course Delivery: Instructor-guided or Self-paced

Learning Component Highlights:
✓ 12 modules and 17 practice labs
✓ Interactive activities and quizzes
✓ 1 final test
Course Recognitions: Digital Badge

Recommended Next Course: Network Addressing and Basic Troubleshooting