Exploring Networking with Cisco Packet Tracer

In this course, learners create and explore a small office network using Cisco Packet Tracer. Teach how to connect and configure devices in a network, including wireless devices, and how to manage and monitor a network.

Course Benefits

Offers valuable tips and practices networking skills using Cisco Packet Tracer.

Explores Opportunities in Technology

✓ Teach how to connect and configure devices in a small office network using Packet Tracer
✓ Show how packets travel across a network using Simulation Mode
✓ Explore how a network controller can be used to manage and configure a network


Estimated Time to Completion: 3 hours
Prerequisites: Getting Started with Cisco Packet Tracer
Course Delivery: Instructor-guided or Self-paced
Learning Component Highlights:
✓ 2 modules
✓ 1 Cisco Packet Tracer Tutored Activity (PTTA)
✓ 7 Cisco Packet Tracer Activity
✓ 1 assessment

Course Recognitions: SFA Achievement
Recommended Next Course: ✓ Exploring IoT with Cisco Packet Tracer